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What's this ? An actual god damn page of a new comic ? Why yes ! Yes it is ! One where the speech bubble aren't placed to give it a good flow so if you wanna look at the characters' faces on the right panel then you have to read away from the dialog cos I'm JUST THAT FUCKING GOOD AT MAKING COMICS. I know I'm doing it wrong and I ACKNOWLEDGE IT. That's what good creators do. They don't try to fix it or anything, they just mention the issue then go "fuck it, I'll fix it in 3 years when I'll remaster this comic".

Also no more sexy time in this comic. There's a couple of pages left still, it's just dialog stuff. The important part of porn.




super slut super slut does whatever a super slut it's a good thing I'm not in charge of writing superhero jingles


Plus it's the werewolf that does the super slut, the super slut doesn't fucking do anything. He's just there, being fucked effortlessly. So yeah, it's awful, 7/10.