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You'd be surprised as to how long it took me to do these two pages given how much is obviously carried over from the older version. This one above in particular, I screwed up many times cos I wasn't paying attenton to what I was doing... Anyway, they're page 19 and 84. Since there's not much to talk about, it'll be quick to review some changes.

The second panel of 19 is one I've realized was shit from the moment I had finished the page, back in the day. In fact, I wrote : 

VonBoche Digital Artist | Hide CommentJan 18th, 2015 08:40 PM #link
He looks weird in the 2nd picture. Boooh.

You'd think with years of improvement it would have been easy to fix but redoing that panel suuuuuucked. At first I tried to do the same but it still looked awful. I don't know why. I do think I got it eventually, and I cropped the angle out to better show that he is under his bag indeed. Plus there was no reason for such a zoom, it's more dramatic than it needed to be.

Otherwise, there's nothing special on that page. I could have redone the background for it to be less blurry but fuck thhhhaaaat.

Onto 84 ! i loved that original page, only one thing really bothered me before really looking at it in details and that was Larsen's arm at the bottom, which was way too buff. Otherwise, it was fine. The nipple was weirdly placed but it wasn't too noticeable. I just needed to make sure that Zee still looked cute as he talked of cannibalizing someone's chest.

That's all.



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