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Happy November! Gosh, how are we here already?

Wanted to do something to sort of kick off the new month while also wrapping up the last one and thought a collection of Batgirl Supergirl wallpapers fit that bill pretty well. So here's four new ones! All made from some past illustrations of the two.

A couple of these were originally vertical so I'm not entirely sure if cropping them the way I did works well or not, but let me know. I'll certainly continue to make more. Maybe something other than BG/SG next time. I think they're both due for a break. Me too. Haha.

Anyhoo, download all of them below. And have a super weekend!




Craig M. Hinch

Thank you! And I hope you also have a great weekend!

Ed Green

These are fantastic! Thank you!

Shane Simek

My background has been updated! Thanks!

James O.

I think the cropping works very well.

Miy Eterp

Awesome 😎

Kevin K

These are fantastic -- thanks!

Javier Eduardo Guzman

They’re amazing as usual! Would love to see some Wonder Woman & Superman duo. Maybe Superman & Batman bromance


I really love that you're doing desktop wallpapers now too! So glad I reached out to request them. They're nothing short of excellent!