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Almost forgot about Timelapse Tuesday again. Sorry about that! I'm in deep work mode this week doing my best to get as much done before the holidays so I can just, like, chill for a few days. This has been a tooooough year. I need a short break. 😅

I have a feeling I'm not the only one staying busy so here's just a quick 60-second timelapse drawing this time around. It's Mary Marvel! Cheering you on for all the last minute gift shopping, wrapping, baking, decorating, year-end planning, etc... that may still need to get done. This was originally a Happy Monday sketch before making the much more suitable (and obvious) revision of simply having her yell SHAZAM!

Have a marvelous rest of the day!





It’s so much fun to see how the images changes the deeper you get into it. And Mary Marvel is a great character.

Miy Eterp

Omg amazing 🤩