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Here's a bit of the animation I wanted to get to asap- I thought it would be a lot of fun to animate. So much so I kind of slacked off a bit and did this the last 3 and half hours instead of assignments ^^; It was quite fun! One thing I did to try and at least *sort of* suggest some tangible fleshiness without having to rely solely on soft bodies. The b00bz have soft bodies on them, but not visible here.

I used a vertex weight proximity modifier and a shrink wrap modifier to have more interactive squish:

This is a *very* high polygon example and I don't think I'll be using this level of detail for this modifier, but this really gets the idea across. Obviously it's not very realistic and it looks artificial, but the idea is that this kind of sinks the flesh in a bit around where the donk's body is, just a bit, to, as I said, give the illusion of fleshiness. I'd love to have it react in such a way that the flesh is higher around where the hand is where they meet and lower where the hand is touching, but idk how that would be done with this method- yet...!

Here's a few tests. The problem with the method I described above to get interactive squish is that it requires another copy of the triceratops babe which, for now, is most of the high poly version of her mesh... so once again, animation play back is choppy, so I'm taking gifs and previewing the frames at real speed. This was waay too fast!

This is 1.25 times slower. still too fast!

This is getting better, but she looks too stiff, the timing is pretty good though now.

And finally, this is what it's like now. I added some more shoulder and back movement, and this is also with soft bodies (and the low poly model on the donk so he's looking like a ps2 boy), but I want to make it more... jiggly... I need to play with the settings or add more movement to her to that the soft body has more movement in it to jiggle more...

But for now I'm focusing on blocking out the major actions...!




GOD this looks so good!! You're such an expert at this stuff!!