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I really dug the very short lived Swamp-Thing cartoon in the nineties, and I've often wondered about a female version of that character. I'm definitely riffing that cartoon here, but I thought it would be fun to place this in the 1982 She-Hulk's world too.



Flash Gorgon

That'll teach him to bring his evil there!

James Winfield

Something I’ve always enjoyed in the hulk/she hulk comics is the various types of characters that come when normal people are given doses of gamma radiation. It’s like in TMNT. So many creative villains/heroes that match and/or more powerful than our hero/heroine. This character is great because it feels like a story ripped out of the comics. Scientist in the bayou is clueless to the fact that she herself is the very swamp monster that she chooses not to believe. Her stages of tf are great as she looks to be another hulk until it further progresses into a Swamp Thing creature. Judging by her size, I don’t think this’ll be a cake walk for Jen/She Hulk.


It's a pity we don't get to see She-Hulk's reaction, but awesome work once again!


She must be extra tough if a villain who can control the swamp can’t control a being made out of the swamp!

Alex Edwards

The design of this homage to Swamp Thing is unique, which is always a plus in my book. Transformations that begin in the usual manner but then continue to progress into something else are a personal favourite, and I see what you did there with the large bush.

Agent Zero

One of my faves of the year!

Ready Art

Amazing - is that your own hand lettering?!! Holy moley!

Swamp Hulk

Very nice Manic! Although I had hoped that maybe it would be a sequel to the Swamp Hulks comic that you did for me! Still, pretty awesome!