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Alright agents, welcome back to part Deux of the infamous Dragonfist Tournament! It is time to play a game!

On the left, we have Angelys, a community created character. Nicked named L’ange de la bataille, this beautiful French grappler is forced to fight in the tournament to earn her freedom! Standing in her way we have Sadie, Hex undefeated veteran, all American muscle and former Special Forces with an authority problem.

Each of them is in this tournament for a reason, but only one of them will walk out of this ring alive. Their fate is now in your hands!

This is a special interactive event where the entire community gets to participate through polls, and although Patrons get extra choices and boosted vote power, everyone gets to vote! So don’t hesitate to cheer for your favorite fighter.

The battle system for this event has been upgraded since the previous iteration, so we can expect the unexpected as more things will be taken into consideration:

1. Character Traits! Each of these fighters has been built with specific POWER [PWR], FLEXIBILITY [FLX] and SPEED [SPD] stats in mind that will determine the effectiveness of every action. Follow the links above or below to find their stats and get to know the fighters better.

2. Community Input! Votes will be tallied with vote power factored in and the results will be augmented by the character’s traits to resolve the win/lose state of each panel, so choose wisely and know your fighter to play to her strengths.

3. Dice Roll! A single d6 die will be rolled for every engagement, granting a small bonus to one or the other fighter, making a last second unexpected twist possible unless every other number stacks up against it.

Then, as before every poll will influence the result of the next panel, resulting in a win or loss for a specific fighter. Wins will be tallied. Three (3) consecutive wins will result in a VICTORY for the fighter. Otherwise, five (5) total wins will result in a VICTORY as well.

The fate of these fighters is now in your hands. Ready? FIGHT

(Poll links will be delivered to your Patron inboxes!)



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