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"How does it feel to be in there?"


I would not be good for Pey the slimy feeling around me and sticky would give me an OCD, plus imagine it would be much darker, here I add light because if it were as it is I think we would not see almost nothing, plus it would be super claustrophobic.

I like to imagine it from the outside.




I like to imagine how cramped, dark and wet it would be in there :3


I like to imagine it'd feel like a hot, mildly stretchy bag. With a powerful pred like Brigitte, I'm sure she could flex her stomach muscles and make it a tight squeeze for her food.


got to be quite an unsettling feeling as it's constantly moving and secreting. Only heavily flexed by Brigette's movement.


yeah I like that idea, that's how I imagine it too, as a slightly tougher bag more with someone like Brigitte, and very slimy.


that's what I'm trying to recreate, I imagine it would be very chaotic, everything around you moving.