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  • "Seriously she.... has.... e.a...!!"

Jeje yes, Hi guys I'm back, fiuu I hate those trips you get all tired, I've been working on this sequence these days, I still want to correct a couple of things so I'll keep working on it a little more, and the shot that follows ..... just say it's a Pov I've always wanted to see.

Hi guys I'm back, fiuu I hate those trips you get all tired, I've been working on this sequence these days, and the shot that follows..... just say it's a pov I've always wanted to see.

Hehe I came up with that idea on the bus ride back.




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oooh that hard bump and squeeze and rattle at the end inside with Kim crammed in there; very nice. That last POV looking down as her finger just scrolls across her belly. Witnessing and feeling the movement inside her. I love it! Tremendous POV shot to capture the visual from her in what she loves in what she does and the curse of it never seeming like enough or forever. Well done Jane. Welcome back; I can only imagine you dream of one day seeing down your belly to something of that same POV degree.


Me alegro de que hayas vuelto sano y salvo. Los viajes largos pueden ser muy agotadores, sin duda. Yo disfruto de los viajes largos, o mejor dicho, antes de que mi espalda empezara a darme problemas. Solo tengo que parar cada 3 o 4 horas cuando viajo, salir y caminar un poco para asegurarme de no tener espasmos en la espalda en viajes muy largos. ¡Pero algún día estaré libre de dolor! ♥️ Yo... todavía no sé cómo creas vistas tan impresionantes... Siempre me ha encantado pensar en una mujer sosteniéndome en su vientre y mirándome así después de haberme hecho suyo... ♥️🫠😍😘 ella observando y sintiendo cada uno de mis movimientos... cada patada... cada lucha... mientras intento salir de ella sin poder hacer nada~


I like that part imagining that someone can “fight” from the inside without accomplishing absolutely nothing, I know Ryan I hope your back gets better soon.


Hehe of course I love that idea, to imagine that there could be someone totally trapped by me, I love it!