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Themes: Mild Yandere, Loving Sex, Rough Sex

Summary: Having lost every woman he loves to either tragedy or heartbreak, Peter deserves better. And Emma, who has gleaned just how good of a man he is from the webcrawler's mind, has decided to give it to him. Peter might have lost a lot, but he's gained an ardent supporter in the form of the gorgeous blonde psychic femme fatale. One that's not going to let him go once she has her hands on him. 


He’s not sure he’ll ever get used to it. Waking up swaddled in silken sheets, with a pair of lips wrapped around his cock. As a heartfelt groan leaves Peter’s lips, he shudders in pleasure from the enthusiastic morning blowjob he’s receiving. At the same time, there’s a caress upon his mind, a voice whispering into his thoughts like it’s right next to his ear.

Good morning, Peter.

A shiver runs down Peter’s spine, though not entirely a negative one. Looking down at the bobbing head beneath the blankets, he smiles and speaks out loud.

“Good morning, Emma.”

Down below, the telepathic blonde’s technique becomes even more complex as she ramps up her efforts. Her tongue slips this way and that, swirling along his girth and her lips suction down in a way that has Peter groaning and his eyes crossing in enjoyment. At the same time, his lover’s voice caresses his mind again.

Getting close, Peter? Please… cum for me.

And so he does. He cums and Emma swallows every last drop without pausing. But then to be fair, she clearly knew he was about to and could prepare herself for it. She drinks his seed down like it’s an early morning cup of coffee, guzzling his cum like it’s the best tasting thing in the world. It can’t possibly be that good, but she seems to enjoy it…

With his balls finally emptied, she pulls back off of his cock. At the same time, Peter pulls the blankets back, revealing the beautiful blonde hiding under them in all her glory. Clad in a snow-white nightie that has bunched up and left her delectable heart-shaped ass completely exposed, Emma Frost lays sprawled between his legs, a coy smile on her lips as she licks them suggestively and slowly trails a finger down the underside of his cock.

Peter shivers as her finger reaches the place where his member meets his balls, causing his genitals to shiver and surge with renewed arousal. He supposes he shouldn’t be surprised that she’s not done with him yet. To be fair, he doesn’t want to leave her hanging either. In fact…

Emma’s eyes widen as he acts on a sudden impulse.

“Peter, that’s not-!”

Before she can say ‘necessary’, Peter is already on top of her, having reversed their positions quite easily. Enhanced strength kept in check so he doesn’t hurt her, he nevertheless picks her up and tosses her onto her back on the bed, before moving down between her thighs. As already noted, there’s no panties to get in his way and her nightie… well, her nightie is easily bunched up above her pussy mound.

Peter dives in, his tongue spreading her drooling slit wide as he begins to eat her out right then and there. Emma moans of course, writhing under him at his expert technique.

“Oh Peter…”

One might wonder how he got here. Honestly, Peter is still asking himself that question every day. Emma Frost wasn’t a bad person. She had done some bad things, but many of them were under duress. And these days, she was distinctly on the side of angels. Still, Peter wouldn’t have expected to fall into bed with her. Not in a million years. She was a gorgeous femme fatale on top of the world, both as one of the most powerful mutants alive, as well as a billionaire businesswoman with several successful companies.

He… was just Peter Parker. He-

“Peter… what have I told you about disparaging yourself?”

Emma’s growl cuts through his thoughts, one of her hands coming down to grab a fistful of his brown hair as she half-glares, half-pouts down at him.

“If you can’t think about our relationship without questioning your self-worth, I’m not going to let you waste any more time on my pleasure. I’ll pin you down and have my nasty way with you until you accept that you, Peter Parker, are the only man in this entire universe worthy of my time.”

Heh, well when she put it like that, who was he to disobey? Peter’s eyes twinkle as he continues to eat out the beautiful blonde psychic. At the same time, he amends his previous thoughts. Yes, he worried he wasn’t worthy of Emma… but he could admit that he’d done pretty well for himself, even through all of the heartbreak and obstacles in his way.

He’d never had much luck with love. Gwen Stacy… he sometimes wondered what his life would be like if she hadn’t died.

“Mm… you’d both be together, I imagine. And I’d be the third wheel in your relationship, sugar mama to both of you as I happily shared in your love and happiness.”

The picture Emma painted was a nice one. He wasn’t sure if Gwen would have been the kind of person to enjoy a three-way relationship like that, but he wanted to think she would have been on board. Emma Frost was VERY persuasive after all.

“That I am~”

Moaning as she speaks, the blonde bucks her hips into his mouth, releasing a flood of juices as she cums on his tongue. Peter laps it all up, even as he continues considering his… numerous failures on the battlefield of love. There’d been a handful of girls throughout his life, but two in particular stood out above all else. Mary Jane Watson and Felicia Hardy.

“Fools, both of them. If they weren’t, they never would have let you fall right into my hands~”

… Peter couldn’t necessarily disagree with that. Indeed, when it came to MJ… he’d wanted to spend the rest of his life with the red head. But she hadn’t wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. In the end, it was for the best that they’d gone their separate ways. Meanwhile, Felicia… aka Black Cat… they’d had flings. They’d flirted back and forth across more rooftops then Peter could count. But at the end of the day, Felicia was never going to be on the side of angels.

“More than that. Don’t forget her betrayal, Peter. Never forget it.”

Yeah. How could he? That was how he and Emma had really met in the first place. Up above, Emma flushes a little as Peter gives her a grin with his eyes while continuing to eat her out.

He’d been on the rise with Parker Industries. Finally making something of himself that wasn’t solely based on Spider-Man or the girls in his life. And then it had almost all come crashing down around him. Corporate Espionage. But not just corporate espionage… it was Felicia in her guise as the Black Cat. Paid a shit load of money, she’d stolen his company’s secrets, knowing full well who he was.

She’d told him it was nothing personal… just business. The worst part was he believed her. But if she could set aside any feelings she had for him and do that to him as just business, she’d never really felt as strongly for him as he had for her in the first place.

“D-Damn straight…”

Emma moans up above as Peter’s tongue brings her to another climax. He slowly pulls back after that, her grip on his hair loosening in the process. Giving her a messy smile, Peter moves up the length of the blonde psychic’s body, his hands running down to her thighs and spreading them as he brings his cock to her drooling sex.

“And that’s where you came in.”

Eyes lidded, Emma nods her head as she reaches up to hook her arms around his neck.

“Yes. That’s where I came in.”

In the aftermath of Black Cat’s successful strike on his company’s servers, Parker Industries was ruined. A start-up like that losing all of its secrets? They were fucked. Peter had been ready to go back to selling photos of Spider-Man to Jameson, quite frankly. And then Emma Frost, CEO of Frost Enterprises, had swooped in and bought him and his company up for frankly way too much money.

Peter hadn’t known what to think in the moment. He hadn’t understood what her motivation was… until she’d told him rather bluntly and things had progressed from there. Now here he was, practically a kept man. Sure, he was independently wealthy… but only because Emma had made him independently wealthy. She couldn’t take her money back, but that didn’t change the fact that he only got it because she was pitying-

“Enough. Fuck me, Peter. And make me feel it.”

Emma’s growled words are followed by her pulling him down into a tongue-filled kiss, one that he’s happy to reciprocate. She’s right, of course. Enough doom and gloom. It was too early in the morning for him to get caught up in his own thoughts like that.

Instead, Peter focuses on something he knows he excels at… fucking Emma Frost hard and fast into their shared bed, just the way she likes it. The blonde bombshell of a psychic’s legs go up into the air on either side of his body, her feet crossing behind his back as her toes curl in abject ecstasy. All the while, Peter pounds into Emma’s cunt, slamming home into her pussy in a way that has her squealing into his mouth in pleasurable bliss.

At the very least, he can’t pretend he’s not good at this. Even his past lovers had enjoyed Peter in bed, and now… well, now he can put all of his efforts into making sure Emma Frost loves every last second of being impaled upon his throbbing mast. Fucking her in a mating press, Peter doesn’t hold back even a little bit. Like she’d said… she wanted him to make her feel it.


The wet, squelching noises that Emma’s cunt makes as he drives in and out of it are a testament to just how much she’s enjoying having him fuck her silly. But so are her moans, which only grow louder and more wanton when Peter eventually pulls away to give them both a chance to catch their breath. It’s in that moment, as Emma’s mouth is wide open and she’s arching her back beneath him, that Peter can’t help but take advantage of the proximity of her tits to his own lips.

Diving down, he proceeds to go to town on the beautiful blonde bombshell’s breasts, licking and slurping and biting at them in equal measure. He nibbles on her nipples in particular, while slobbering all over her soft boobflesh. In response, Emma shudders her way through another explosive orgasm, unable to hold back her reactions to his all out assault on his senses. But then to be fair, she probably didn’t want to either.

If there was one thing Emma Frost had been certain to make clear to him ever since they’d begun this relationship, it was how much she loved him. At the start, Peter had been a little wary and uncertain, mostly because he’d been burned so many times before. But through truly herculean effort on the blonde psychic’s part, she’d convinced him.

In turn, he couldn’t help feeling grateful to her for picking him up out of the dumps and setting him back on his own two feet. And truth be told… he was pretty sure he’d fallen in love with her somewhere along the way as well.

Emma cums for him again and again and they couple for what feels like an eternity… but in reality, isn’t all that long at all. Just an hour or so of hard, rough sex. Until finally, Peter can’t hold back any more and cums as well, filling her with his seed.

In the aftermath, he goes to roll off of her only for the blonde psychic to follow him, clinging to him tightly and laying herself out on his chest as Peter lets her catch her breath. He doesn’t really need to do so himself, but he enjoys the skinship all the same, running a hand through her hair and down her back over and over again.

Finally, Emma raises her head and looks him in the eye. Her hands come up to cup his face, caressing his cheeks.

“You’re mine, Peter. Mine, mine, mine.”

Smiling softly, Peter just nods.

“I’m yours.”

He’s not disturbed by her possessive, borderline obsessive attitude. Emma had laid her cards on the table all the way back at the start of this. Though it seems his early morning reflection has her doing some of the same, because she voices the same thoughts she had back then now.

“… If any of those hussies who betrayed you had stuck it out, I would have been fine with that. I know I’m not the best woman in the world. I don’t deserve a man as good as you. But you deserve to be happy. You deserve to know that you are loved, and to have a woman who will never turn her back on you. I swear that woman is me, Peter. For all my faults, for all my flaws… you are mine and I am yours. From now until the end.”

Reaching out and placing a hand on the back of Emma’s head, Peter pulls her in so they can touch their temples together.

“From now until the end, Emma.”

So what if his lover was a little bit obsessive? So what if she was a little possessive? Heh, better for her to be fixated on him than anything else, given the amount of power she had. But truthfully… it was more flattering than worrying. And at the end of the day, Peter couldn’t bring himself to care too much anymore. He was happy and just like Emma had said, he deserved to be happy.

Suddenly rising from the bed, Peter climbs up to his feet… with Emma still in his arms. She wraps her legs around his waist and hooks her hands behind his neck as she gives him a knowing look, her eyes twinkling.

“Shower and then breakfast?”

Grinning wickedly, Peter nods.

“You read my mind.”

The little joke provokes an honest laugh from his psychic lover, even as she lays her head on Peter’s shoulder and lets him carry them both to the shower. As far as starts to his day went, this one definitely took the cake… and he had to admit, he wouldn’t trade this for anything in the whole world.

At long last, Peter Parker… was happy.


Alexander (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-22 14:54:05 Honestly this was equally heart warming as it was hot. I've watched a clip on YouTube about how bad some of the woman he's been in love with and honestly I'm glad he got a happy ending here. Excellent job man!👍
2024-03-10 03:29:11 Honestly this was equally heart warming as it was hot. I've watched a clip on YouTube about how bad some of the woman he's been in love with and honestly I'm glad he got a happy ending here. Excellent job man!👍

Honestly this was equally heart warming as it was hot. I've watched a clip on YouTube about how bad some of the woman he's been in love with and honestly I'm glad he got a happy ending here. Excellent job man!👍

Colin Peden

This was a very heart warming story. I am happy that Peter got to be with someone who truly loves him. If this ends up not being a one shot, I think him running I to his old flames and seeing what has become of them would be interesting. I like the idea a few have already tossed out of him getting revenge on Black Cat, by taking everything from her and have her come back to him. Her only option being that she is his pet and plaything.