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The flat colors stage of the illustration for Jason. I think he looks pretty stylish with this scarf :D




Love that Gryffindor scarf!!!


Медальку или орден🥇 ему надо сделать он же ранен был в колено 😄


Его грудастая медалька неподалеку овец пасет ;) Стрела в колене это выражение, те стражники в Скайриме просто говорят о том, что они женились и пришлось остепениться :)

Mark Piper

Serious Roshi vibe from this one


i guess its a little late, but any chance we could still get the eyebrows covering his eyes? i loved that part so much.

Great Saxtonian

Looks like he could give out some sage wisdom or very cyptic clues if we’re struggling on certain quests


I'm not sure what do you mean. Where did he have the eyebrows like this? And yeah, it's a bit late


Looks awesome! Can we expect scenes with him? :)


Now he and Krowley need to begin double-teaming the women around town.


Huh... just booted up the game to check and in all honesty i just realized that I dont think I have ever actually looked at his icon. I have only ever looked at his character sprite, even when he is talking lol. And i dont think the new art will change the sprite at all, my mistake!