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The character illustration for Jason. It's quite rough, maybe in the future I will spend some time and polish it a bit. 

Now there are only the Wine Merchant and his bodyguard left :) And also we need to decide what to do with that elven milf in the tent.



Captain Nuktil

Pretty simple - fuck her :3 Or mb she can sell some elven milk... And we can help her to pump it...


Isn't the elf girl who is in the camp gonna get a new image also?? You know who I say? The one u can catch changing its clothes in the top right cabin, where the futa spa!


Yep, that's whom I'm talking about :) She was the first character that get an illustration in game. But she is just a random busty elf, and I'm still haven't found her a place in the story or what she will be doing.


Elven Milf, maybe if you enter with revealing clothes (naked, black lingerie, etc), she invites you in for some fun (If you currently have a boner). Maybe some doggy or cow-girl action?

Dank Memer

i think itd be kinda hot to possibly see some old m/young f content but he doesnt really look old. his skin looks so smooth to be old


Кстати. В игре и так много milf. Но условных teen очень мало. Наверно только Элис и Астра могут ими считаться. Ну ещё Джилл выглядит подобающим образом, но если ей 28, то это уже не совсем teen. Также большинство персонажей выглядят стройными. Или даже худыми. А пышных девушек... Карла. Ну Дженна более менне пышная. Вроде мать Кроуи планируется пышной. Агнешка, но gilf специфичен сам по себе, да и судя по животу она уже скорее толстая. Не знаю как у большинства, но лично у меня есть запрос на ещё одну пышную девушку. И на условный teen. Может можно эту эльфийку так переделать? Не ну она всё равно пока никак никуда не приспособлена. Может она молоденькая травница какая, врачеватель? Может она делает масла, мази для Спа. И любит мужчин постарше. Не знаю, почему, но вот именно такой концепт сейчас в голову пришёл. Я мог бы раскрутить эту идею. Или может она эльфийский священник. У них же там должны быть свои верования. Или и то и другое типа как друид. (Не маг, а вот как у настоящих кельтов прям). Которая любит секс с фауной местной. Но это немного предсказуемо, не так как с мужчинами постарше. Или таких качков. Тогда она будет игнорить Кроули и Листа (Они молодые и тощие). И можно с этим забавные взаимодействия придумывать.


Doesn't your browser translate automatically? Or is the translation too crooked? Ok. I suggested making the elf in the tent young and curvy. She's a sort of druid by profession. Not a wizard, but an elven priest, healer, and herbalist. Perhaps she makes oils, ointments, and the like for a Spa, or special herbs and spices for a wine merchant's wine. And maybe she likes older men or strong or fat men. And that's why Krowly and Leaf won't be her type. And so there may be unusual scenes with her. Well, or according to the classics, she likes sex with fauna, but this is predictable for a druid.


Еще кстати мысль. Может быть она двоюродная сестра Листа. Хотя это возможно будет слишком похоже на отношение Кроули и Джилл.


Sorry, your reaction makes me think you are imagining something big :) I'm not planning to add elven dairies or something. I just can't make her selling milk becouse it will affect the content we alrady have or the content that is planned


I thought maybe she can de an elven diplomat/camp chief, the person whose task is the improving relationship with human on the border betwean realms. We already can see her improving the relationship with the Wine merchant.


He looks pretty young, more like 50-something than "old geezer" old. Maybe add more wrinkles to his face, and more of a stoop?


Purpose eh, I just got THE IDEA ! (What a tired brain can think of :S ) Krowly misses his motherly love, when he at night walks in on the milf (who has seen and talked to him at day and knows he misses his mother greatly), she offers to pamper him as his "Temporary Mom" to help him get over it :D This scene could work with the illustration on the other poll of breast sucking ;)


Oh, is Krowly have a half of the village of temporary moms? :D His actual mom will be added in game too eventually ;)