Patron Events for July 2018 (Patreon)
Aloha Patrons!
Quick reminder that July voting ends tonight, so get your vote in now!
Hope your July is off to a great start - we just launched the new Cynthia Lin Signature Ukulele down at Island Bazaar in Huntington Beach, CA. Thanks to all the Patrons that came out to support this sold out event, and hope some Patrons can join us for the 7/21 San Jose Uke Launch. Such a thrill to see folks posting photos with their new ukuleles, please do share! The feedback has been great, thank you so much for your support.
with Patrons onstage at Island Bazaar - Uke Launch 7.7.2018
Quick June recap
- 2 tour stops in Hawaii, and I made the front page of the local Kaua'i paper, as well as the statewise 10 o'clock news! Check out my Instagram for pics and vids from the road.
- Summertime by George Gershwin for our June Live Lesson ($5+ Patrons)
- Friday I'm In Love lesson for our Intermediate Live Jam ($20+ Patrons)
- new Play-Along videos and Live Lesson access for Fast Car and Come Away with Me
- Thurs 7/5-8 Vote for our Patron Song of the Month
- Sat 7/7 Huntington Beach, CA Island Bazaar CL Uke Launch Concert & Strum-Along, more info here
- Tues 7/10 @ 7PM Pacific Time Week 4 - Hawaiian Performance Intensive ($25+ Patrons)
- Thurs 7/12 @ 4:30PM Pacific Time Beginner Live Jam ($10+ Patrons)
- Sat 7/14: SF Ukesplosion 2 - huge awesome free outdoor jam! More info here
- Thurs 7/19 @ 4:30PM Pacific Time Live Lesson for winning song ($5+ Patrons) + Chord Chart posted ($3+ Patrons)
- Sat 7/21: San Jose CL Signature Uke Launch, more details here
- Tues 7/31 @ 7:00PM Pacific Time Jazz Workshop Pt 3 with Brian Liu -Intermediate Live Jam ($20+ Patrons)
and then looking ahead
- 9/22: LA Uke Fest
- 10/27: SF Uke-tober Fest - save the date, tickets coming soon.
Thanks as always for supporting what I do, and thanks for helping me share the joy of ukulele with people across the world. I believe we can change the world, one uke at a time. :)
xo cynthia.
1. Join our private Facebook group by emailing, and join our Patronforum- lots of activity, sharing videos and advice, and support and encouragement! If you have questions about Patreon or ukulele or otherwise, asking them in either place will generate the fastest answer. If you don't wish to join Facebook or the forum, all Patrons can also post on the Community tab here on Patreon.
2. Click for the super helpful CL Song Index of all songs, patreon posts, and tutorials (thanks to our Community Managers for building and maintaining this!)