Computerphile Video: Word2Vec (+ link so you can play with it yourself!) (Patreon)
In case you missed it, there's a new Computerphile about word embeddings!
Don't miss the "extra bits" for this one, there's some fun stuff in there.
I'm pretty sure I credited Grace Avery at the time, but that didn't make it into the final video, so here's a link to the post that inspired a lot of this:
And here's the notebook I put together to do it:
I didn't want to post that to the general public, because I didn't feel like taking on a big unpaid tech support job helping every youtube viewer to get it to work. But for patrons it's kind of a paid tech support job, which is much better. Plus I think my patrons are a lot smarter on average so it should be easier :p
You'll need a copy of GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin in your google drive, in a folder called 'models'. I think I got my copy from here:
If enough people want it, I'll take the time to put together a more detailed walk-through, let me know if you get stuck.