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I don't post every episode of the Alignment Newsletter Podcast to Patreon, because there's one every week and it would end up being the bulk of what I post here (and if you want that, it's easy to subscribe with a podcast app). But I'm posting this episode, because it's somewhat unusual.

Stuart Russell recently released a book, called "Human Compatible: AI and the Problem of Control". I'm reading it now and enjoying it so far. The Alignment Newsletter released a special edition, to summarise the book and some of the papers it references. So naturally there's a special edition of the Alignment Newsletter Podcast as well. It's longer than usual, about 27 minutes, and I think you'll like it if you're interested in AI Safety and already know a bit about it, and you'd be interested in reading the book but realistically probably aren't going to get around to finding the time for it :P



Alignment Newsletter Podcast: Alignment Newsletter #69

Recorded by Robert Miles Original text here More information about the newsletter here


Dylan Cope

I've read the book and the AN summary, but I'll probably also listen to this at some point for completeness :P (maybe a little later though!)