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Hey comrades, greetings...( ・ω・)ノ 

 I just felt the need to give signs of life...!

Thank you very much to all of you who have recently been so patient with my slow pace of publication...

This really helps a lot... (っ´ ω` )ノ(╥ω╥) 

Now, I am not a man of excuse, but...!

 I would like to put some light on some details that I have mentioned before but now I would like to put all of them together for your best appreciation.

1.- I am not a full-time artist (Although the plan is to be one in the near future, thanks for helping me) This means that I have to constantly balance my time between my real work and my art... And at the moment I can not afford to lose either, so a little bit of grindiness is to be expected... (ಠ_ಠ U)  

2.- 95% of the work that I publish here are commissioned works...

So I have no control over the type of content or the characters that appear in the works. The only thing I can do is filter the works that I find interesting and suggest some changes here and there... __φ(。。) 

I would really love being able to publish only original content but we are not yet at that level in the game...

3.- Having mentioned that 95% of my work is commissions.

Working creating commissions for people is something very cool and fun for me, but working with other people also involves another layer of uncertainty in my work process.

Misscommunication, time differences, endless lists of details, corrections, cancellations last minute changes and very very rarely discussions... (งಠ_ಠ)ง σ( •̀ ω •́ σ) 

Hmmm... (   °-°) ?

I'm not sure where I want to go with all this, I guess I just want to vent a little of my frustration for not being able to maintain the pace of work that I know I could achieve.

Anyway, enough with this little rant... ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻ 

The important thing is the actions and his results, so I will continue giving the best of me to try to push forward the best content that I can in the greatest possible quantities.

Thanks for reading up to here, I really appreciate it... (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜  

See you soon..!



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