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 Hey people, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend...!
(〃^▽^〃) ノ 

Today I bring you another piece of...

 (」°ロ°)」 ....OMG...!!!!! WTF is going ooooooooooon...???

Dear Patreon, if you did not have enough money to hire a real weeb designer you should have asked for money or just started a crowdfunding to pay for it or something.

Insert: Don Corleone MEME.

      - "Look How They Massacred My Boy"... (っ´ω`)ノ(╥ω╥) 

At least now the whole page looks as crappy as its logo... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Anyway, enjoy the content, that's the important part.

See you soon...!




I thought you were kidding at first, but even the email notification looks terrible in Patreon's new UI. Great picture though!


Yeah, Patreon's designers do not seem to understand the difference between "clean" and "barren"...:P It does not look that bad, but it's boring as hell. Anyway, thanks for the comment...( ̄▽ ̄)/