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God dammit, Patreon has changed the layout of the page again, do they not know that we all don't like change...?  (╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻ 

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined...

But anyway, you know, change is not always bad. (Yeah, now i'm backtracking over mi oun words)...¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

In fact when things change to improve this can be quite good, that is why today we have this new scene with the beautiful and sexy Inori Yuzuriha, in a way this can be called a "remake" of my first Inori drawing.

►►►    https://www.patreon.com/posts/inori-yuzuriha-21075431  

(This was sponsored by the same guy who has ordered all my Inori commissions, that's pretty cool too!)

The remake is mostly based on the spirit of the character and the pose and not on the outfit, so a 100% direct comparison cannot be made, but hey, some slight improvement can be noticed.

That is enough to keep me motivated and hopeful in the future...〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) 

Thank you for keeping an eye on my work while I fumble and stumble on my way to become a more or less worthwhile artist...!



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