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***Dark Magician Girl Card in the cover just for the Lols...!

Actual post ►►► 

Hey people...( ・ω・)ノ

How y'all doing...?

Cool to hear that everyone is still having fun sharing this journey with me...!

Thanks for sticking around even though this has been a pretty bad month (I mean just bad when it comes to content production, everything else is going pretty well for me, so no one worries about it. this)

Anyway, there's no point in trying to hide the fact that this has been a pretty trashy month, the worst one yet, I think. Quite a shame, I had really big hopes and plans for the start of this year, but the truth is that the instability in my workplace has not allowed me to put my feet firmly on the ground and thus finally find my appropriate work rhythm.

But very good news can be seen on the horizon...(¬‿¬ )・゚✧

All this recent instability in my Real work™ is due to known and controlled causes (Boring known and controlled causes, so there's no point in going deep into the details)

So I can safely say that the next month will be much better in terms of the number of projects that will roll out...!

Also, as an insurance policy in February I will be taking a full week of vacation due to my birthday. So free time to push forward a couple of really spicy scenes won't be a problem.

(* ̄▽ ̄)b

After that March will be my return to business, so a lot of commissioned work will begin to appear again.

Special thanks to all the people who have been patiently waiting for me. (Many of them following my work through Patreon. Very cool lads..!!!)

The only plan that is really being dramatically affected right now is that Tamamo doujinshi that I have been trying to publish for so long. Unfortunately and with great sadness in my heart I will have to postpone it until the end of this year...(っ´ω`)ノ(╥ω╥)

I know that I am already 4 months deep into my training period, but the truth is that I still do not think I have the necessary consistency to be able to carry out a project as large as this properly. Call it a lack of confidence or a scenic panic, but I really think this is the best decision for now. I'm really sorry if any of you were looking forward to this particular project.

I'm not so much of a perfectionist, but at least I want to be able to offer a product that meets the most basic expectations. For me and for you.

So please be patient, this will come, some day...ヽ(~_~(・_・ )ゝ

And that's it, thank you for all your trust and support for my work.

100% A pleasure to share my work with all of you...!

BTW, Right now I'm almost done with a new sketch.

So I'm sure that before January is over I'll be done with this new girl...!

Keep an eye open, she will be arriving soon...(・∀・)ノ



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