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And so we bid a fond farewell to the Babylonian mythos section, with a little look at what we've learned and who we've overlooked. 



James, I joined a while ago and more or less started at the beginning, which is why I'm commenting some two years later. I loved your delving into the Inanna / Ereshkigal story and I wonder if you have ever heard of the ZBS radio play of Ruby the Galactic Gumshoe. The series Ruby 3 is based on this myth and is fun as well as thought provoking. https://www.zbs.org/index_new.php?/store/product/ruby-3-mp3


I like the idea of old religions or places becoming metaphors. I guess Dr Strange does this all the time with his Hoary Eye of Agamatto and other sayings. I suppose it's harder in RPGs because it relates to a distant back story which players aren't really familiar with. I guess if the locals all swear something then the PCs might get an idea of to what they refer (maybe a crocodile), and there could be a myth which is related to them, but then they might find out that things aren't quite what they expected from the locals taking the name in vain.


Perhaps not the Eye itself, as he wears that. But there were plenty of others: https://www.cbr.com/whats-a-hoggoth-doctor-stranges-greatest-invocations-explained/