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Patreon supporter Mark brings you this special episode all about what happens when player characters stop fighting monsters and start befriending them!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



Once I realised that green was the colour of evil in D&D, and the job of the Paladin was to go round killing anything green, I started messing with this and giving all the green people societies, rather than them just skulking in 10' rooms with pies. Bullywugs were never really my thing but there were Bugbears befriended in my GURPS fantasy campaign, and not unreasonable Orcs in my long running D&D sandbox. I did grow up on the Appendix N fiction but I wanted there to be reason for the orcs to be in that room, rather than just be meat for the PC grinder. It didn't mean the bugbears were nice as such. There were three warring tribes in the area, but individuals away from their warlords would respond to fair treatment, something which wasn't common in their societies.


There was the time when a friend ran a game for two of us and instead of just slaughtering the kobolds, we enfeoffed them, thereby gaining a valuable ally in a war. They weren't very dangerous but could set traps and generally be annoying, and freed us up for rather more derring-do. It became apparent that the GM was annoyed at this turn of events, possibly because it wasn't in the scenario and she'd let us do it in a moment of weakness. But at least she didn't then break our toys for us.


I do like the idea of monsters from a brutal, bullying society reacting well to people not being total jerks.


It's tough to find the balance between appreciating a good shenanigan and running Shenanigans: the RPG.