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Patreon backer Andrew brings you this special episode all about what happens when hyper-advanced beings say -- or believe -- that they're gods. I mean, maybe they are!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



Something I started wondering about while listening to this was: how easy would it be to re-frame the standard D&D cosmos as actually being sci-fi? You say that gods are native beings of other planes - what if other planes actually just means other planets? Planar Shift turns out to have been taking you to another solar system all along, etc. Minor re-skinning work, I'd have thought.


Loved this episode.


I think a lot of classic sf would fit in pretty well, if only because D&D doesn't always *quite* line up with some of the foundational assumptions of fantasy in the first place.