March Game Plan and Poll Schedule (Patreon)
Welcome Back guys... 'nother month, 'nother grindstone, but always, more lewds. Here's the game plan to keep you all in the loop:
This week, I've chosen Gwen to go first and get another helping of content from her last batch, you know bc she went halfsies with Loona. So expect that this friday. Theres a WIP out now so Lanterns have some idea of whats included although you can probably guess. Depending on the amount of poll art chosen Loona will go next as long as it doesnt compromise quality.
So this week we have our first poll, Lanterns start thinking:
March 4th: Champions Poll #1 : Tambry, Priyanka, Summer Smith, Nani Pelekai, Lapis, Marceline
Decisions decisions... More Priyanka x steven? Dipper might keep sneaking out of the shack to everyone's bemusement, Kinky Summer playing with her boy toy, Nani finding new work, More passionate Marceline x Finn or Lapis paying Steven a visit? Lotta choices and it doesnt let up the week after that.
March 11th Poll: