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Hey Lanterns Im currently wrapping up the new gwen content but I popped in for your scheduled poll. So tell me, what am I drawing next week? 

Priyanka and Steven's lustful relationship continues

Where is Dipper sneaking off to all the time?

Summer should really be quieter around the house (x anon)

Nani's job search series:  Surfer, Waitress, Cam girl, tour guide, barrista etc (x anon)

Marceline x Finn solo adventure/band practice

Lapis wants to pay Steven a visit worth remembering..

Poll Closes tomorrow 9 pm PST



Is it wrong i'm super into milfs. Please do Priyanka. Though if you do, i can only guess your situation for her.


Shame lapis so low. Gotta pick my winning girl Marceline.


Hmm. I want to continue voting for Nani on principle even though she'll never win, but I also don't want Marceline or Summer to win under any condition. I might end up switching to Priyanka near the end.


Solid strat let's see if it pays off or a marceline poacher could use your own strat against you. I would say the stakes of high but that sounds like a vampire joke.


I wanted another marceline comic, so close.


Again a tie, he’s got enough on he’s plate already


I waited too long to decide whether I was going to stay on Nani or switch to Priyanka to break a tie and ended up stuck on Nani. Sorry for my part in forgetting to break the tie.