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Watch "apothecary1x23" on Streamable.


Kelley Li

Maomao's plan to get Monocle Man to buy her biological mother since he ruined her is just part of plan. She's done and tired of this man. The plot twists she has within the plan and back up plans, proves why she's Maomao the apothecary and super sluth. The full backstory of Monocle Man(talks about his face blindness)and her bio mother(especially what he did to lower her value to be able to buy her out)explains a lot. MaoMao actually gets her intellect and intelligence from her bio mom, not Monocle Man (he just like that think he's where she gets it from). Tasha, he's still trash. I refuse to give him a break. He was weak and didn't fight to be with her even after lowering her value. Lihaku is a better man than Monocle Man is. Lihaku is working to make sure he gets the right to buy out the coustean he's in love with (Pairin),never forgetting her and standing tall to do it on his own. Writing her, wooing her, letting her know and the old lady knows his plans. Unlike Monocle Man, who thought he's slick and smart but he's just weak and slimy. Even Maomao still doesn't like him. She only counts her adopted dad and the rest of her family of sisters and the old lady at the brothel house. If he never had sex with her , getting her pregnant, she wouldn't had her value lowered to where every dude was sexing her and she got sick. They refused to let him have Maomao or her bio mom , protecting them both and letting the apothecary doctor adopt Maomao.