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Heller there, Just wanted to say Hi and thanks for always supporting!

The pic i listed shows whts coming and for any new ppl, what was recently done...also the tabs feature seems to be working again but I will still work on making collections for viewing.

Spiced up the tiers a bit for better clarity and less messiness

More old reactions are on the way, more movie reactions, more reaction requests!

Thanks again for the support!




glad yall checking out gen v


The Expanse is a great show, like Game of Thrones in space.

Imani Brooks

Hey, guys! Is Tokyo Revengers coming back? The new season started today.

Ashton H.

excited for what’s to come!

Joe (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-16 09:25:09 Tysm!!! Also, please pretty please don’t forget to about CastleVania: Nocturne ‼️
2023-10-04 14:14:04 Tysm!!! Also, please pretty please don’t forget to about CastleVania: Nocturne ‼️

Tysm!!! Also, please pretty please don’t forget to about CastleVania: Nocturne ‼️


Tokyo Revengers and SpyxFamily?