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Hi everyone! This status report comes after having delivered the Beta for chapter 12.3 (Final version still pending, more on that later).

I hope you enjoyed the this last update; finishing it was quite challenging and it dragged on more than I'd wanted, but it seems that's always the case. I took some days off after that (had to travel for another weeding again; I need to add a scene that happens during one in ORS) and now I'm back an picking up work at a steadier pace.

This past week I've been working on writing the epilogue; it's something short, but there's a ton of endings to account for in chapter 12 and I found it hard to jump straight into writing after the strain of finishing the chapter. So while I'm writing that part scene by scene, I've also been preparing things for the next update. I'm planning the plot structure and the scenes, and art for them is already underway. I found a new artist who I can work with and we've already completed a few drawings.

I will continue to focus on art and planning as I pick up writing again, and will release the Final for 12.3 shortly, with additional bugfixes, the epilogue and some extensions and tweaks in one or two scenes tha tI'd like to expand a bit (that might come later if production on the art takes longer). I've also been thinking on how to go about the next release cycle, and I will talk about it in the next status update when I have things figured out.




Ethereal Twist

Okay, so chapter 12 won't have a Lena pov then? Your wording sounds like this'll be the end of it.


Ive noticed i get more happy reading "ive took a few days off" on a Eva post than news about ORS lol you've earned it :)


Thanks for the update Eva, looking forward to hearing what your doing about the next release cycle :)


I hope the wedding was fun. Looking forward to the update. I like seeing Louise get more attention. I hope we'll see more of Alison and Minerva. Have a good one!


The Louise texts have been such a treat. I cannot wait to see where it leads


Keep up the good work.


Eva, it's good to listen that you treat yourself to me-time! Only when you are rested and have fun...are you the best version of you! ⚜️


The last release seems to be at a point where variants of scenes depending on earlier choices restrict the time spent on developing or introducing new branches or just finishing others. While I am totally happy with the scenes we got, you seem to tire and maybe get frustrated a little as the chapters/releases get broader but seemingly shorter. I am not an expert like you but maybe intersect more scenes rather than write them new. Have the courage to end a story line to make room for others. And, and this is my own opinion, you are best when you write about heart and kinks. Go there, and people will appreciate it. GGGB Arthur and his escapades written with your experience now and ORS focus on more story and interaction would be match in heaven.


Maybe the game has gotten too tangled up to fit every single timeline in the episode's setting. Maybe you should just branch the story instead of developing so many iterations for the same "dinner with friends". So instead of having to weave loads of different variations into the same timeline, maybe, for example, Beta Ian doesn't go to the Dinner and stays at home texting or Ian/Holly had a separated date together. Branching the story may help in reducing the complexity of the plotlines.


I just came to play chapter 12.3 Beta. I could not get met to wait anymore for the final version. Wow, this was such a wonderful update. The minigame turned out fine. Especially that it was a way to get them to know better. I got to know a "darker" side of Lena. The beach pictures were a dream and Lena in the bright bikini was like balm for sore eyes. You really did great to include this wonderful summer-, beach- and meeting-with-friends feeling! The colours were warm and comforting. I was just surprised about Lena's and Ian's look in full frontal pose, but I guess due to not having a third dimension, it is bound to look a little unexpected in 2D. SPOILER: I played the route were Ian broke up with Holly and Emma rejected Perry. It really touched my heart both times. I can really relate how Ian must feel - liking Holly and having to be honest with her. Being the one hurting her without wanting it and not even being able to sooth her pain. And Perry loosing his dreams. I am feeling for him even though not seeing his reaction. I hated Ians harsh comment about him, but I am afraid I brought this on him with my Ian decisions. So lovely. I can't wait to play it again with another path :) . And the ending is still quite good, yet an epilogue would be a nice addition.


to be fair tho, the complexity of the plotlines is also what makes this game so great. Even if it comes at the cost of longer wait times between updates.


How does the update work? I've downloaded it but the game still ends at the end of the second day at the beach house? Is there anything I might have done wrong? Do i need to delete the old download for it to work? Thanks.


It also might feel more different for the player. When I think about GooD Girl Gone Bad... . But on the other hand, this would mean to come up with several distinct good ideas instead of "only" modifying one good idea. But Eva could use this as a backup, maybe split off one or to paths and handle the rest traditionally. Anyways, I trust in Eva's good judgement.


I think I remember that happening to me, too. I saved on the very last text of the old chapter. I think I solved it going back one more save.