Dinosauroids - New Race Option (Patreon)
Emerging from primeval jungles and the misty canopies of lost ages, the Dinosauroids possess a blend of ancient power and evolutionary grace. Their scales, remnants of their reptilian ancestry, shimmer in a kaleidoscope of colors ranging from verdant greens to stark blues. The intensity of their gaze, hailing from eons past, is both haunting and majestic, suggesting a deep connection to a world long gone.
They are known by many names: Primeval Sentinels, Saurian Kin, or Ageless Wanderers. However, to themselves and others who understand their true nature, they are simply the Dinosauroids, a nod to their enigmatic and ancient lineage.
Legends whisper of their creation as Gaia's answer to a world ruled by titanic creatures, a bridge between the ancient rulers of the earth and the sentient beings that would come after. Their very presence is a living testament to eras gone by, their essence an ode to a bygone era where giant reptiles dominated.
Yet, their legacy is not just in the past. In modern realms, their adaptability and resilience have carved a unique niche for the Dinosauroids, allowing them to interact, learn, and even lead.
Dinosauroid communities, often called 'Nests', nestle comfortably between thick jungles and emerging civilizations. They craft intricate abodes, both above and below the ground, demonstrating a knack for blending the natural with the crafted. These Nests, while maintaining an organic aesthetic, are bustling centers of trade, culture, and wisdom.
Dinosauroid society revolves around a deep respect for history and tradition, coupled with a drive to adapt and integrate. Elders, often termed 'Prime Sages', guide the Nests with a wisdom accumulated over centuries. While they respect hierarchy, roles within a Nest are fluid, defined more by an individual's passion and expertise rather than lineage or age.
Trading is more about the exchange of stories, skills, and knowledge rather than material goods. Every object, every tool, has a tale, and the exchange of these tales enriches the entire community.
While many are content in the safety of their Nests, others, driven by a yearning to explore and understand, venture out into the world. These adventurers often serve as ambassadors, scholars, and sometimes even as guardians, ensuring the legacy of the Dinosauroids is neither forgotten nor maligned.
Traditions of the Dinosauroids
- Ancestral Echo: A rite of passage where young Dinosauroids meditate in ancient groves, attempting to connect with their forebears and seek guidance.
- Scale Mosaic: An art form where they paint intricate stories on large canvases using shed scales, creating a mosaic of experiences and histories.
- Primeval Dance: In moonlit clearings, Dinosauroids dance in patterns that mimic the movement of ancient creatures, celebrating their heritage.
- Tales of Terra: Around great bonfires, stories of the earth's creation and the age of titans are narrated, reinforcing their bond with the past.
From the depths of dense jungles and the shadowed underbrush, the Raptorians epitomize agility and precision. They embody the spirit of the chase and the thrill of the hunt. Their streamlined forms, complemented by their sleek scales, speak of speed, reflex, and a connection to the predatory birds and reptiles from which they draw their name.
Society: Raptorians usually form hunting bands within Dinosauroid Nests, known as 'Flights'. These Flights are not just about hunting but also about understanding and respecting the prey, ensuring nature's balance is maintained.
- Feather's Flight: A ritual where Raptorians climb treetops and leap, using crafted feathered tools to glide, emulating the birds they revere.
- Chase's End: A symbolic hunt, not to kill but to touch, proving their agility and speed.
Majestic and enduring, the Sauropods carry the strength and resilience of the towering long-necked creatures from the ancient world. Their robust build is a testament to their connection to these gentle giants.
Society: Often serving as the backbone of Dinosauroid Nests, they are builders, creators, and sometimes, when the need arises, defenders. They believe in slow, deliberate decisions, always considering the long-term effects.
- Earth's Embrace: A practice where they spend days in secluded caves, meditating and connecting with the deep earth.
- Stone's Song: Crafting tunes from large boulders, their music resonates with the rhythm of the land.
Bearing the spirit of the mighty horned beasts, the Triceratids exude an aura of both wisdom and combat prowess. Their frontal scales often harden to form natural protective crests, reminiscent of their namesake's shields.
Society: While they can be fierce in battle, at heart, they are peace-loving and prefer diplomacy over conflict. They often serve as negotiators and peacemakers within Dinosauroid Nests.
- Shield's Stand: A ceremonial duel, not to injure but to deflect, teaching the art of defense and protection.
- Horizon's Gaze: Reflecting their contemplative nature, they climb high points to watch sunrises or sunsets, finding serenity and insights.
Dinosauroid names typically resonate with their ancient lineage, the world they inhabit, and the stories that have shaped their community.
Male Names:
- Saurian: A nod to their reptilian ancestry.
- Terrak: Drawing from the deep connection to the earth.
- Rexan: Reflecting the majesty of the great T-Rex.
- Pterol: Capturing the essence of the flying reptiles, the Pterosaurs.
- Jurik: A tribute to the Jurassic period that many of their ancestors hail from.
Female Names:
- Vestel: Inspired by the ancient world they've emerged from.
- Gaielle: A name that embodies their bond with Gaia, the primordial earth.
- Trihorn: Reflecting the three-horned Triceratops.
- Sylvaria: Drawing inspiration from the vast, untouched wilderness they inhabit.
- Velorina: Signifying the swiftness akin to the Velociraptors.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Dinosauroids mature at the same rate as humans but have been known to live up to 150 years.
Alignment. Dinosauroids' varied nature means they lean towards no particular alignment. However, their ancient instincts might lead some individuals towards a more chaotic or neutral disposition.
Size. Dinosauroids vary in size and build, but most stand between 5 to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Scaly Hide. Your thick skin grants you a +1 bonus to Armor Class when you aren’t wearing armor.
Reptilian Heritage. You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and resistance to poison damage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Raptorian Agility. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
Talon Attack. You have a natural weapon in the form of sharp talons. When you make an unarmed strike, you can use your talons to deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Long Neck. Due to your elongated neck, once per turn, you can extend your reach to 10 feet for one unarmed strike.
Sauropod Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against being stunned.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Horned Assault. After you move at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hit it with a melee weapon attack on the same turn, you can immediately follow that attack up with a bonus action to make a horn attack. The horn attack deals piercing damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier.
Thick Skull. You have resistance to psychic damage and are immune to being magically put to sleep.