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Hi guys. Once again, we are sorry for the lack of updates, it was a couple of slow weeks. We'll try our best to deliver you weekly updates from now on. Thank you for your patience.

Lilith's New Face!

Like we said before, Lilith was getting a significant rework on her personality and faces, and this result shows us that it was for the best!

Smooth blink animation! (+ A look into a different Maeve face variant)

We gave a little bit of time into giving more life to the sprites, and we came up with a new blinking animation for some girls, including Lilith which you can see in the previous section!

We can also take a look into Maeve's face which we didn't show in the previous update

Sadly the animation looks butched due to the convertion into GIFs, but we hope that the change is noticeable! What are your thoughts, guys?

That's it for this week! Stay safe and thank you for supporting us!



I did enjoy Lilith's previous personality, but I can't wait to see how this changes the interactions! The new designs are looking gorgeous btw.