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Hey guys! Here we are once again in another weekly update! Let's go straight to it, shall we?

Wardrobe Functions:

To improve the outfit experience, we have decided to implement a recolor feature for EVERY piece of clothing in the game!

Although at the moment it will only be available for Maeve, for the rest of the characters that we continue to create, and for future outfits for any other character, but in the future this will be available for all the girls (and the MC) to be able to have as customizable a game experience as possible! Here we attach a rushed example for Maeve, using Lilith's signature colors (probably this version of colors will not make it into the game due to its rushed nature)

It will also be a good tool for those who want to make their own outfits, since in our Discord Server, there are a good number of people who have made their own fanart-outfit, so they can use things like lineart, coloring or shading to help, which of course true, you can find them in the archives! We will remove the restriction on PNG files for the upcoming update!

What do you think? Any good ideas for more clothe variants?

Story So Far... And new Characters!

We are happy to tell you that despite reworking previous content for Maeve & Lilith, we are still coming up with some good events for both of her, also for Agnes, having a total of 4 NEW events complete in the writing department (leaving reworks aside), while we have more in progress, a couple of them introducing two more characters!

We've already introduced witches, and I think it's time to add elves, while on of them is our very first antagonist!

We've gave hints on this little Witches and Elves dispute, and I think it's time to bring it to a more straight direction.

We are introducing two priestess elves in this little town of witches, a decent enough priestess despite her beliefs against magic, and, well, a "not so nice" one ;)

For now, we have their potential outfits, which will be decided in a poll maaaybe tomorrow, so stay tuned, ok?

There will be two polls: Outfits #1 and #2 for the "Decent Priestess", #3 & #4 for the "Not so decent ;)" so again, stay tunned!

That's it for today's update! Stay Safe and thank you for your support!



🔫 Add that Maeve dress color to the game or I’ll raid you and Noi’s fridge 😤