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Hi guys! Just as we said, today we upload part 1 of the outfit poll!
This Poll #1 will go to our "good" archpriest character! We have two outfits to choose from, so it's up to you which one will be chosen!

And remember! Although we already have these base designs for you in this poll, there is freedom to change a few small details, so you can always vote and leave an opinion of what can be modified! Any details like an ornament, the veilor, or something like "I think the detail from (X) outfit would look better on (Y) outfit.", let us know what you think!

It is worth mentioning that we are not 100% decided on the outfit's colors, so the final result may differ from these examples.

That's it for this poll! Stay tuned, because we are uploading the second poll right after we are done with this one!
And once again, thank you for your support!


Since the main reason to picking the #2 was for the window boob, I changed it to the same chest, and the winner will have a window boob alternative version! 



I like the headdress on number two, also the dress looks a bit more flowy, which is nice! As this is for the 'good' archpriest, I like the mysterious outfit. When the 'evil' archpriest comes out, wake me up so I can immediately type "smash".