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I’m not really a big fan of the song Maverick but I just love the energy they put into the Choreo etc. I also love how intricate and detailed all of the moves are to. I enjoyed Deju Vu Choreograph to but I enjoyed Maverick a lot better.

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2022-02-11 11:43:38 If you wanna redo with choreos that are better matched up maybe do Ateez’s ‘Thanxx’ & The Boyz ‘Thrill Ride’
2022-02-09 07:38:20 If you wanna redo with choreos that are better matched up maybe do Ateez’s ‘Thanxx’ & The Boyz ‘Thrill Ride’

If you wanna redo with choreos that are better matched up maybe do Ateez’s ‘Thanxx’ & The Boyz ‘Thrill Ride’


We didn’t have a problem with these match ups. Just moving forward we’ll put a poll up to be fair 🙏🏽


There is truly something special about the Boyz choreo. It is powerful and exciting. Also…with more members they uitilized all of them in unique ways.

Hilary Angouing

One thing about me imma vote for Ateez no matter who they come up against except BTS cuz that’s my whole heart


I think Maverick was more impressive, but I enjoyed watching Deja Vu more. And Im actually more of a Deobi than Atiny, so its not a group bias.


100% Maverick. I’m an ATINY, but the almost crump like elements in the chorus and the sheer amount of jumping and stamping in this choreo (the dance practice vid has some really good “dance asmr” lol) I love how in the second chorus the formation change makes it look like they’re two waves crashing into each other. Their synchronicity is INSANE. And they’re all so sharp too. A lot of really good fast-slow moments in the choreo. Very very NoiCE. Deja Vu is my least favourite ATEEZ song so I’m going to try push that bias as far towards the back going into this but it’s difficult. Choreo-wise; they reuse some elements from their older choreo’s like Horizon (it adds to the concept of “Deja Vu”, you know you’ve seen these moves before, but never in this context so it leaves you with that feeling.) so I thought that was pretty cool. I love the part where San says “the moment we met each others eyes” and they match that with the choreo. I didn’t really like the “dadada” bit with their hands in the air. It feels rather out of place compared to the rest of the choreo. It was like they were briefly trying to pull a 2PM/SF9 and then nah, back to the normal ATEEZ style. 🙃 Idk. But it’s definitely Maverick for me with this battle. ^^

Mackenzie Hendrix

The difference between Ateez and The Boyz is that Ateez is more performance focused, so they have a bunch of facial expressions and close up camera work, while The Boyz has good group energetic choreography.