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Be honest.. this is a safe place 



Lala woods

Nick’s favorite word “this is a safe place”..but is it really a safe place 😅😩 thinking about it you should make that into a merch


Working on that lol… Hopefully it’s a safe place 😩

Lady G

to be honest, Kpop will never be fair.😂 everyone will choose their biased group. its literally a thing of who is more popular. (in general)




Honestly Ateez is definitely one of my favorite groups. I would say I place them higher up than I would The Boyz but, The Boyz Choreography and energy for The Stealer and Maverick is so insane that I cannot help but be drawn to them. I’ve probably watched the music videos and dance practices like a million times.


Wonderland. The sheer energy that stage takes. I love the “osogaja” bit where Yunho tightens the formation by pulling the other members towards him and their clap during “gajaaaaaa” is one of the swaggiest things I’ve ever seen in a kpop choreo. I love the explosiveness and the tutting elements in the last chorus as well. All in all it genuinely makes for such an epic performance live. The Stealer is amazing too. I absolutely love the ripple at the beginning and the really clever use of the members to create different “cages” someone can weave their way through. The floorwork during the whispering part in the song is a really satisfying tempochange, both in the choreo and the song. It’s a choreography that is technical and polished to a T. Both the choreographies match the songs they were made for very well. The Stealer is smooth and spy like. Wonderland is wild and unpredictable and explosive. Personally I think it fits the song just a little bit better, and it translates better to an actual live performance so I’m going to go with Wonderland here. ;) I've thought about this a little more and I'd like to add: The Stealer is perfectly designed in terms of camerwork and choreography working together. It's a choreo made for a stage with no audience but that behind the camera, Wonderland was pre-covid and therefore more "audience-oriented" if that makes any sense lol. Both are perfect for their intended purposes. I'm going to have to revise my previous decision into a draw. ^^

Naj Williams

Hold on lemme go watch the studio choom for both and come back... ok so tbz wonnnn cuz why was they doing parkour likeee how did I forget that


The Boyz were crazy in this choreo. They did flips and unique movements etc and I think they were so powerful. It’s one of my favorite kpop choreo ever.

Ginger Elle Nichols

In all honesty I think the boys should have battled someone of their nonstop dancing and speed with seventeen they both are alike in a way and of course ATEEZ is hella strong with their dancing because they all are BAE but try them with seventeen next time I know it would be epic just saying


Goldenchild or TO1 would have been a pretty solid match too I think. They all have that added benefit of having a lot of members. In terms of energy and sharpness VeriVery or ONF would've been a good match too imo. They do a lot of fast footwork.

Ginger Elle Nichols

That's veryyyy true I totally agree because when you do the choreo battles you have to have that mindset where like okay the boyz are a nonstop extreme speed type of group and you have to have someone to match that ATEEZ was hella good because they my babies buttttt they have two totally completely dance style as they all do but you know

Aleisha Layne

Its Ateez for me. The performance aspect...when the stomps are echoing and the camera started shaking...had me hype! i love the boyz and their choreo is nasty...but the impact the ending of wodnerland has on my soul...WIN lol

Elise Kapstad

They have such different dance style tho. I personally love both of them in differetn ways