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We jump right back into things as we find out exactly what the heck crawled out of that hole in the ground and we get our first look at Mr. Grey Hair Dude. We also talk a bit about Miho's attitude and the potential for redemption down the line. Also, a Johan verses Van fight? Um, we didn't know we needed this but now we do!!! Also, an evil prick gets what's owed to him and we don't feel even a little bad about it. 




gray haired dude = Gungtan (Goong tan) It's more simple than you think!

Myrcella Guest

The reason Yohan fought with Van is to ensure if he was a lust demon. He also wanted to see how strong Van is in his demon form. If it will be hard to control him if he goes crazy and might try to kill Miho like he killed her in the past life and that's why he wanted to check all this away from Miho. Yohan gets the feeling Van won't harm Miho but there are also prophecies that the man in black is and was after Miho and he can't ignore that and consider Van a threat. Yohan has powers but so far we don't know why and how. Van is said to be the strongest out of all. In webtoon, Van and Miho had no romance tough, Van was rude who used to manhandles Miho, he was a killing machine. Here, they had made him less rude. Miho was even more bitchier in webtoon and this is soft version of webtoon Miho. The only character who is same in book and webtoon is Yohan. In webtoon too Yohan was a young priest with powers, he was cocky, charming and a man with heart but painful past and here too he is the same. Yohan past will be revealed in coming 2 episodes and so far those 2 episodes were my fav (especially ep 6) out of all the episodes that were released (Island Part 1 & Part 2 both seasons). Let's see if finale episodes (Ep 11 &12) can beat episode 5 & 6 or not.


Maybe because I come from a Christian community that I didn’t question myself why Yohan has such power, especially afterwards when his story was revealed, A person with a very strong faith in God and dedicated to delivering men from demonic powers can acquire real divine power without ritual or experience, basically they are chosen by God, it's not given to everyone to have this power, it really exists in reality, of course in the film it’s present in a visible way and the weapons don’t exist in real. A real exorcism session is not a show, It’s only inside of Christian meetings, but it can be very impressive and very scary. After the man of God ask a person possessed by a demon “what is your name?" the demon manifest and from there the showdown begins. Even though it wouldn't have been Eunwoo, my favorite character would have been that priest, I really wish he was the lead role in the drama.


This was a very dark episode. Fortunately, the creepy stalker got what he deserved, but yeah several years in prison would've been more apt punishment. I do agree with Mer's assessment of Miho. She should have apologized to the student, yet the screenwriters keep making her entitled and aloof. I guess they see this as upping the tension, especially between her and Van, but true it gets old pretty quick. I mean what has the guy done (that she remembers, at least) to deserve it? Without him, she'd be done for. Eunwoo is really cocky in this drama. His and Miho's interactions make for a lot of fun. Again, great watching with you. I'm holding off on Season 2 so we can watch it together


please don't take the banter between Miho and van too seriously, it was like the fun part of the show. the writer wants something to ease the tension. A boss-employee relationship where the employee doesn't listen to his boss, that's what the writer would like to achieve. (sometimes I see it as he is Mr. Right and she is Ms. Always-Right🤣). Miho's character is just all-talk and nagging but deep inside she is actually compassionate and caring. If you could remember, she had a secretary who betrayed her, but instead of kicking him out of the car and leaving him in the middle of nowhere, she stepped outside the car, gave the car to him, and walk away. She wants to appear strong and aloof but she actually cares. and by the way, yeah Father Yohan, my god, how to begin with him. cuteness, hotness, and cockiness all rolled into one Father Yohan. oh, my heart. Though Yohan is only human, I would like to believe he is an Angel hahaha


I would also like to point out that the student was also rude to Miho, the first time they met. She walked out disrespectfully in the middle of her class. I don't know, maybe it's just me or I being an Asian, but disrespecting your teacher in front of your classmates, does not sit right with me and is such a douche move. she doesn't apologize about it as well, so maybe quits? she is not a perfect character. Miho, who does not listen at first to her student's worries, is just to build up her character. She doesn't want to be there in the first place, she was forced by her father, and by her situation. She is learning from her mistakes. It's a character build-up, without it there will be no story to tell.


Yes, I do remember how Miho left her secretary the car, even after discovering he'd been betraying her trust from the start. I really liked her until the misstep with the teenage girl. But I am willing to wait for her to redeem herself, which I'm pretty sure she will


I'm a teacher and how can I not agree about students' disrespect? So true. But the difference is the girl is a teenager while Miho is an adult. Adults should not retaliate on kids in the same way and stoop down to their level. As teachers we do put up (although we obviously don't like it and it can hurt our feelings) with disrespect, but we shouldn't behave in the same way. Instead, we need to set an example. Young people learn from us, after all, and we're responsible for them. It's our job, and not an easy one. Had Miho been rude to an adult co-worker I wouldn't personally have had the same "baffled" reaction. They're not on the same level, that's what I'm trying to say 😊

Lani S

The bitchy character of Miho is intentional, to juxtapose with her Wonjeong character, who is all about self-sacrifice and saving mankind. The fact that Wonjeong is considered a saint and Miho is almost the opposite (in the manhwa, she is way worse) makes for an interesting twist. Note that both characters are portrayed as strong women, just in different ways. Free touched on it. What will it mean when Wonjeong awakens? Will she take over, and will Miho disappear? Or will it be a combined personality? We shall see in the coming episodes, but one thing I can say about this show is none of the characters is one dimensional. All of them have good and bad in them, even the villain, even Yohan. That is after all the human condition, the constant tug of war between good and evil that exists in all of us.