Hey! Thank you so much for coming along on this wild ride!! I'm looking forward to sharing this experience with you! I created this NSFW art project to dismantle the guilt and shame I had built up around my sexuality due to puritanical societal ideologies. I also wanted to create a safe community where people can engage in healthy conversations about sexuality without judgment and help people feel less alone. Reading smut novels really helped me step into my sexuality and gave me an outlet to relax and daydream. Come hang out with me in my daydreams as I draw fanart and suss out ideas for my own graphic novel!
By day I'm a NY Times bestselling illustrator, mom and wife. I've always been interested in anatomy because I went to school for animation and transitioned to Illustration my sophomore year. I find myself happiest when drawing the figure. I signed onto an agency right out of college and Illustrated over 20 books in 3 years. Then, I decided to ditch the agency and go it on my own because I was working for less than minimum wage against insane deadlines. I was stressed and unhappy, Ironically doing the thing I loved most. I decided if I was going to put blood sweat and tears into my dream, I was going to draw what I wanted. I still do freelance work but by night, I'm trying to write a graphic novel and see if I can make it in this world by having fun and creating what's in my heart. Life is too short not to chase joy with everything I've got. If my artwork makes you feel anything, please consider coming along for the ride by supporting my Patreon.
By becoming a patron at any tier, you are encouraging and enabling me to follow my dreams, push my own boundaries and do what makes my heart happy.
Thanks to you, I'll be able to devote more of my time to personal projects as an independent artist, find my voice and fight the good fight against stifling and oppressive internal and societal voices.
This space is a safe place for all with love, empathy and kindness in their hearts.
Cheers to art, sex & the pursuit of happiness!
xo -Sabine