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Sherry Palmer

That's definitely his brother in Prison Break. Their overly dramatic acting is cracking me up! I guess since they are playing evil doers in a comic themed show, it makes sense, but it's still funny to me.


Seeing you hate Dr. Wells is so funny, he’s probably my favorite character on this entire show 😅


Such a great character you can’t help but like & hate him at the same time 😂


Never realized it until now but mick says “dottin t’s & crossin i’s” 🤣

Siobhan Linehan

Fun episode this one. I always love it when Snart shows up. He's REALLY extra lol, a proper cheesy comic book villain. But I love him in a weird way. 😂 And Mick is crazy but works very well with Snart. A great duo. As for Barry and Iris, it's SO clear that she's realized her feelings for him since he opened up about his feelings for her. But she loves Eddie too. You can see how torn she is. 💕

Siobhan Linehan

Same! I've rewatched this show 10+ times and this is the first time I noticed that. 😂😂

Jenn S.

25:05 “He doesn’t need to push you, your thing’s electric.” 😂😂 Travis you kill me sometimes