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Jazzy Jay 💃🏾

I clicked on this notification so damn fast let’s go baby!!!!!

Clay W

Oh boy, as soon as I saw this notification, I was ready for the hot mess express. I almost forgot how stressful this episode is. I don't know how, but this is just as stressful as the bomb or shooting episodes for me, hell maybe more so.


This episode is a masterclass and Ellen acted her ass off. Amazing drama.

Serenity La’sandra

“That’s where Derek died. Isn’t that right penny? Perfect penny killed my husband.” “Let’s pass those peas” 👀😭😭

Serenity La’sandra

Ik it’s bad.. but that food looks good id be sneaking a lil in the middle of this, tho only the white stuff cause if they heard me chewing would be kinda awkward 🤣


Callie girl...

Alexis Grande

“PERFECT Penny killed husband” lives rent free in my head 😩


I always have such a love hate relationship with this episode. Callie kind of irritates me cause it's obvious Penny is uncomfortable and doesn't want to be there but she keeps ignoring it and pushing her to stay there. Plus just how Meridith takes out her frustration on Amelia never sits right with me, like I get being upset and frustrated and then having to deal with someone else's emotions is a lot but Derek was Amelia's brother and basically the closest thing she had to a father figure after their dad died. It just doesn't seem fair to dismiss her feelings and use her as an emotional punching bag. But I mean over all the acting in this episode is just so good I can't not watch it.


If I was penny I would jumped out the window frl 😂 I love this ep from Arizona being drunk af, maggie and her “coochata” (I’m weak Travis why’d u say that😭), cross being in love with Jo, and Alex being so supportive, and of course ellen and caterina’s acting as Meredith and Amelia they are amazing!! Also Travis penny looks familiar because you have seen her on scandal !!!

Travis Manning

I instantly regretted the coochata comment but you know me - no edits here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Bradey Bononcini

I don’t mind Penny either. Meredith and Amelia are justified in their anger but truthfully she was the only one of Derek’s doctors actually doing their job. The two attendings on the case were criminally negligent, and are the ones responsible for his death.

Bradey Bononcini

Also I’ll always be team Stephanie, Jo has been so unlikeable the past few episodes.

Jahnae Phillip

I’ve been waiting for this episode!!!!! This episode is the definition of top-notch acting, especially from Ellen and Caterina. Honestly, I have an on and off relationship with Callie, and this was one of the off moments. She had no right to tell Amelia “that’s enough” when she just wanted the truth about her brother imo. Kind of felt like she was making it about her. Cause I do get it in the sense of feeling a bit of embarrassment, but it wasn’t about her. The scene with Meredith and Amelia was top notch like I said before and I really respect the acting in that scene. There’s really no sides to be on in that case, as I feel both of their pain. As for Jo and Stephanie, I don’t really think Jo was trying to say all that, but I think Stephanie does have the right to feel the way she does. Drunk Arizona was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 When Meredith said “Kepner, the food’s gettin cold, let’s pass those peas” 😭😭😭 I like Andrew and Maggie, I think that they were pretty cute. I actually like Penny a lot, because she actually fought for Derek to get the CT, unlike the others operating on him.


Aaahhhh this episode!! One of those that I was WAITING for you to watch!! 🤣

Kayla Locklear

In my opinion it was not all penny's fault. She asked for a ct scan yes she could have tried harder but it was not just her that did not make the call to get one.


I don't even see it as being Penny's fault, because she wasn't in charge. She spoke up and said to get a CT and she was shut down by the men, probably because she was a woman and because she was a resident. They should have known better to not skip a CT when there was a collision like he was in. No excuses in my book, but the fact that they waited and then had to wait longer for the neurosurgeon to get there, it just was an unlucky situation unfortunately. She definitely should have pushed harder but the result might have been that she got fired too. I still see that it was the men that was in charge that was more at fault though and nobody knew the whole situation except Penny because they weren't there.

megan ♡

I definitely am of the opinion that amelia and meredith are justified to to feel negatively towards the one person accessible to them who is closest to who was actually responsible for derek’s death (that one idiot doctor) and have the autonomy to keep a distance from her I simultaneously agree, too, that penny wasn’t the doctor who was really at fault but, like was taught in the episode before this one, she’ll have to sort of grin and bear it because she ultimately was the one who kept reaching out to meredith with terrible news while she was still at the hospital with derek’s lifeless body


So intense!

Marie-Soleil Dobie

I really like Penny! It’s not even her fault Derek died.

Alexis Cook

Ellens acting in this episode is absolutely mind blowing

Alicia Cue

Ugh such a strong fucking episode. so so soooo much went down- perfect Penny killed my husband, pass those peas??! iconic. but yeah honestly i do feel bad for her, she was a resident, she’s not the doctor ultimately responsible, and i feel like everyone honestly knows that. it’s just easier to be mad at penny cause she’s right there. but there’re all doctors, they know the attending on duty is the one utmost responsible. and homegirl did try her best like she beggedd to get a CT😭 and i feel for Amelia too cuz once again, her loss is getting diminished by Meredith, inadvertently or not. but at the same time, Meredith *did* just lose her husband, so it’s understandable that she doesn’t have room for Amelia’s grief because like she said she can’t even fall apart, for her threeeee kids. like they’re both just going through the worst kind of pain and i wish they were just closer and could be there for each other🥺😭 And i loveee Maggie and DeLuca like they are so cute to me. And while i agreed with what Steph said to Jo, i feel like it was in response to the wrong thing. like im not sure if it was really coming from a place of insecurity/jealousy, Jo saying that she felt closer to her after learning like they’ve both struggled. but i did think Steph could’ve stayed mad at the initial thing for longer too😂 idk im just not fuckin with Jo the past episodes and Steph’s a badass

Shin Yukina

Your face and reaction when Mer lost it on Amelia were on point. That episode was rough ugh. And yes I too think Penny managed it really well given how awful that dinner was.