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The Emergence of the Superb Kicking Skill: Sanji vs. the Iron Wall Pearl




now that i think about it. for first time live action watchers, they really didnt show sanji fight at all lol. but basically sanji just specializes in kicking.


Yeah exactly I actually totally wasn't aware Sanji could fight like that lmao

Nate Deezy

mihawk doesnt have a devil fruit, krieg was just speculating because he cant comprehend a mere man being that strong

Nate Deezy

Most of the one piece characters just have insane physcial stregnth.. Sanjis comes from practice from zeff, which is also why he only kicks.

Nate Deezy

idk man they showed quite a bit of sanji fighting.. fought kuroobi at the beginning, and and zoro fought all the fishmen, and he defeated kuroobi later on


Its more of like they didnt show sanjis fighting style. While he had fights they were all like short and stuff. Like the kurobi fight at baratie wasnt really a fight. And he only did relatively simple kicks. No where near as much as the anime


Yeah basically this^ He didnt come across as OP (no pun intended) as he actually turns out to be