Art Update - Packages, Index Entries, Moovgear and and Splash of fanart (Patreon)
Hello hello all! It's the weekend, and the weekend!
Packages - We've continued arting out the packages, and there's still a few more to go. Been fun deciding on what models should be in each one. There's also a bit of micro-fiction on the 2nd Installation pic, which'll be a patro-exclusive bit of content I think. Should I do more such things? Hmm...
Material Index - Entries 17 and 18, Helen Parr and Blake Belladonna! We're actually having another Hunger games at 8.30, so around 30 mins from the time of this post to see who else'll be added to the Index. Fun! :D
Movement Aracpac - Minor spirits in the Mooverse are ever-helpful to humans, and if you know how, you can reshape them into different forms and functions. This here is one Shopkeep and Teacher have made for posture correction...and perhaps a bit of thought correction too...
Floating Flowers - Lastly, a quick fanart sketch I did for a WIP VN-Game called 'Floating Flowers', being made by forview, or 'View' as they are more well known as. I'm sure most of you are familiar with 'Cheer' or similar comics, but yeah they're a very fun artist and quite prolific- check out their stuff here.
Anyway, next week cometh! If you've any favourites here then lemme know, and for you $10 peeps, I'm always open for more sketch suggestions! Enjoy!