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'Lo all!

Not too much new art this week, just another Package and its variants. Most of the work this week has been in coding...and unfortunately after a bunch of progress, my own doofery meant that the main Thrallworks project lost its references, which will take me probably the coming week to put back in place.

I shan't complain as it was my error, but the coding does fatigue me more than writing or doing art does, so probably it's time to sit back on designing systems for a bit and instead focus on things like getting the Cerise scene in and the Moovgame done so I can move onto a comic I've got in mind.

Ponyart - I'm also starting playtesting the thrallpony game, right now privately, but soon on discord as well.. Attached is a pre-made sheet for a pony...at some point I may write-up the boardgame version of the rules to plonk out here so all of y'all can play it, but more likely I'll be providing links to some kind of single-player game of it when I get around to automating it.

That'll be a while-off though. Testing first, as well as art! If you're interested in the process or think you'd like to hear dev-dairies on that, then lemme know!

Anyway, thanks for reading. Enjoy!



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