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So, in all of my vampire audios, there has always been a world that is only loosely connected, but I have decided to formalise it because nothing makes a nerd happier than delving deeper into nerdery.

So how is my vampire universe split up?


Alright, buddy, listen up because I'm about to give you a crash course on the vampire world. There are ten big groups of vampires, and each one has its own culture, traditions, and leaders. They call these groups "dominions," and they're split up by continents.

In each dominion, there's something called a "Court system." This is where vampires handle all their business out in the open, so humans don't get too suspicious. The Court is made up of a bunch of different levels, kind of like a ladder, with the most important folks at the top.

At the tippy top is the King or Queen of Vampires. They run the whole show and are responsible for representing the vampire community to humans, managing relationships with humans, and making sure their dominion is safe.

Just below them are the Courtiers. These are the vampire diplomats, public relations people, and smooth-talkers. They're responsible for making sure humans don't freak out about vampires and for negotiating deals with human leaders. Basically, they're the ones who make sure we don't end up with pitchforks and torches outside our door.

Next down the ladder are the Ambassadors. They represent the dominion in different regions or countries and work closely with the Courtiers to manage relationships with local governments and leaders.

And last but not least, at the very bottom of the ladder, are the Envoys. They handle all the day-to-day stuff like dealing with human organisations and businesses so we can operate in human society without causing too much trouble.

Now, listen up, because this is important. There are four places that don't have a Court system: Antarctica, Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu. They're either uninhabited or lost to time, but they still recognize the King or Queen of Vampires as their leader.

Here are the names of the dominions and their Courts so you can keep up:

  • North America: The Kingdom of New Vampyr, with the Court of Night's Radiance
  • South America: The Crimson Empire, with the Court of Crimson Shadows
  • Europe: The Vampiric Republic, with the Court of Blood and Roses
  • Africa: The Nightshade Dominion, with the Court of Eternal Darkness
  • Asia: The Shadowland Empire, with the Court of Shadow and Mist
  • Australia: The Bloodmoon Kingdom, with the Court of Bloodmoon Masquerade
  • Antarctica: The Frozen Crown Domain, without an active Court system
  • Atlantis: The Sunken Bloodline, without an active Court system
  • Lemuria: The Lost Dominion, without an active Court system
  • Mu: The Ancient Bloodline, without an active Court system

Got it? Good. Now go out there and don't make me regret explaining all this to you, you fangy little moron.


Darren Crittall

Sounds good (not at all nerdy, cough) Just remember though, they are your rules, so you can break them.

Wolf Z Row

Where do you find the time to come up with all this? Lol