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You've just become a vampire and have just learned about the Court when you witness a brutal execution and a mysterious vampire pulls you aside to explain what just happened.


Listen closely, young blood, because I'm about to tell you something that could save your undead hide. You may have seen the execution of that poor sap, but you probably don't know who was really behind it. That's where the Clan comes in.

The Clan is like the vampire mafia, only way scarier. They're the ones who enforce vampire law and make sure everyone stays loyal to their own kind. They operate in secret, so you won't see them out in the open like you do with the Court. But trust me, they're always watching.

The Clan is a hierarchy, with the bigwigs at the top and the newbies at the bottom. At the tippy top is the Vampire Elder, who runs the whole shebang. They're the oldest and most experienced vampire around, and they make sure everyone else stays in line.

Then there are the Primogens. They're the heads of the big vampire families, and they're responsible for keeping their own clan in check. If one of their members steps out of line, the Primogen will take care of it.

Next down the ladder are the Ancients. These guys are the wise old owls of the Clan, and they're responsible for teaching the younger vampires about our customs and traditions. They're like the grandpas you never had, only way cooler.

Finally, there are the Neonates. That's you, newbie. You're at the bottom of the food chain, so don't go thinking you're hot stuff just yet. Your job is to do what you're told and not get in anyone's way.

The Clan and the Court might seem like they're separate, but they're really two sides of the same coin. The Court handles the public stuff, while the Clan handles the behind-the-scenes stuff. Without them, things would fall apart pretty quickly.

So, remember this: the Clan is always watching, and they won't hesitate to take you down if you step out of line. Keep your head down, your fangs sharp, and maybe you'll make it through this unscathed. Maybe.



What? Oh, Man. And you’re a goddamn Malkavian, too? Wow, you really are fucked.

Darren Crittall

We are going to lose Orchid to the world of novelists.

Wolf Z Row

This is all sounding suspiciously like VtM. Not that that's a bad thing momd you.