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Good morning, my Beautiful Patrons.

Although GUARDIAN doesn't actually appear in my ALPHA FLIGHT parody comic "SNOWPLOWED" I felt compelled to draw a pinup of him for you!

As VINDICATOR, later renamed GUARDIAN, JAMES (Jimmy/Mac) HUDSON was a founding member and leader of Alpha Flight. He was designed to be the Canadian equivalent of CAPTAIN AMERICA, hence his costume markings are modeled after the Canadian flag. Guardian is often confused with CAPTAIN CANUCK, another Canadian-themed superhero with similar costume and superpowers.

Up next, GUARDIAN'S suit suffers battle damage in the very best of ways, so STICK AORUND!

Illustration by Patrick FIllion

Colors by Cabrera and Fillion.

GUARDIAN and ALPHA FLIGHT are © COPYRIGHT & ™ 2025, MARVEL CHARACTERS Inc. All rights reserved.




Talk about talking stretching those unstable molecules to their very limit. That bulge looks like it’s fighting for its life in this costume!! Truly stunning work


My GODS what a bulge… that battlesuits hanging on for dear life, and I might be a little jealous 😜🤣😈

Lux Et-Umbra

Oooh, just something for the suggestion box, next time you do Dongs in Thongs, maybe Guardian and Northstar can join them... I feel like everyone here needs to see that they have (thoroughly) field tested the unstable molecules in their Alpha Flight issued thongs. (for...uh... safety reasons of course. no ulterior motive at all here. :D )

Conor Young

Omg YAY!! I was hoping Guardian might make a little surprise appearance in Snowplowed, it's so awesome to see him getting his own spotlight here!! He looks absolutely divine in that skintight suit, I love the veins bulging through on the arms. His beefy tits and cakes are one thing, but that massive package of his... DAMN! I've never been so envious of unstable molecules, wrapped so lovingly around that thing🥵🥵🥵. I love how much fun you're having bringing us the members of Alpha Flight, Patrick, gorgeous work!!


HA HA HA! YUP -- those unstable molecules have it pretty damn good -- that is until that big, gorgeous cock ultimately breaks free and tears them to shreds! LOL! I was a little worried that I might have gone a bit overboard on Mac's package at first, not gonna lie. Looks like I got it just right, though, which tickles me to no end. LOL! Thank you so much for the love and fabulous comments, dear Conor. I'm greatly enjoying how much you're liking my Alpha Flight art... and fer sure -- Guardian HAD to make an appearance, even if only in a pinup. He's just too hot to leave untouched! HA HA HA! SMOOCHES, my friend. Thanks again so much! XOXOX 😆💖😍😊🤗


That's a fun idea. I honestly never considered doing 1-pagers with Marvel characters before. Then again, it's only just recently that I even considered doing full mini-comics with 'em, so... there ya go! LOL! I'll put that on my suggestions list! LOVE IT!! Thanks so much, Lux!! SMOOCHES! XOXOX 😅😘😊❤️🤗


LOL! Yeah... that suit is having a very difficult day... and I figure we're all here for it! 😈😇😋🤣


Heh! Heh! Thank you so much, my dear LlamaLlama. Yeah, I mean... just how stretchy ARE unstable molecules, anyway? I feel that this is a hefty job even they can't quite handle! LOL! Love that you loved it, my friend. XOXOX 😍🤗😊❤️