GUARDIAN "Heroic Leader"! Colors 02. (Patreon)
Hello again, my Beautiful Patrons.
Although GUARDIAN doesn't actually appear in my ALPHA FLIGHT parody comic "SNOWPLOWED" I felt compelled to draw a pinup of him for you!
As VINDICATOR, later renamed GUARDIAN, JAMES (Jimmy/Mac) HUDSON was a founding member and leader of Alpha Flight. He was designed to be the Canadian equivalent of CAPTAIN AMERICA, hence his costume markings are modeled after the Canadian flag. Guardian is often confused with CAPTAIN CANUCK, another Canadian-themed superhero with similar costume and superpowers.
Now I know that his costume/power suit probably wouldn't work so well with this many bits of it missing, but we can suspend or disbelief for a moment, can't we? Especially when it gives a mouthwatering look at some of Mac's yummier bits! Heh! Heh!
Enjoy, my friends. There's more ALPHA FLIGHT on the way this month, along with more X-MEN, CAMILI-CAT... and some other SURPRISING goodies as well.
Illustration by Patrick FIllion
Colors by Cabrera and Fillion.
GUARDIAN and ALPHA FLIGHT are © COPYRIGHT & ™ 2025, MARVEL CHARACTERS Inc. All rights reserved.