F A T A L (Tre / Bimbo / Muse) - DT UPDATED (Patreon)
Public release date: TBD
YAB will be added after DT!
A three-piece techwear set consisting of a halter top, a one-sleeve "jacket", and extremely high-rise bottoms with hip cutouts and pockets.
Top & bottoms made from scratch in MD, Blender, Zbrush and Substance. Sleeve jacket uses a licensed MD asset as base, but with custom topology, UVs and textures.
Thank you to Fraeyabee & Demi-Fiend for the upscales!
- Requires Bibo+ textures installed to work properly. For the bodies and sizes available please refer to the preview images.
- Due to the bottoms being VERY high rise, they may clip with other tops / bodies.
- Due to the oversized nature of the sleeve jacket, the armpit area can clip in some dynamic poses / animations.
- Dyeable / colorsettable.
- Top & sleeve meta toggles are built into the modpack options. The bottoms have too many variations, so you'll need to use meta toggles if you want to hide bits:
○. A for the belly strap,
○. B for the hip straps,
○. C for the baggie,
○. D for the left leg strap,
○. E for the pockets.
Replaces Oyoroi, Kote & Tsutsu-hakama of the Blue