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Just thought I'd update you guys about my plans post-DT, when I'll be coming back and what's been going on.

I had originally planned to return to releases mid-July, but with the current state of modding tools (and due to some irl complications), I don't think it's the best time. Currently I'm aiming for August so hopefully that ends up working out! I've been slowly working on some stuff in advance, to have it ready for August. So far I have 2 mods nearly completed (they just need to be put in-game) - sneak peek of them in the image above!

I have also decided that I will reduce the amount of my monthly releases from 5 to 4. Doing 5 hasn't been working out great for me in the last few months especially, as I've improved greatly in terms of the detail and general quality of my work, but... not the speed. In fact because I make stuff better and more optimised, it takes me longer to do it. With 5 releases a month I basically had almost no free time whatsoever. I was working even when my partner, who works a normal 9-5 job, was on his days off. Add to that the burnout and loss of passion for modding and I just simply can't go on with 5 releases. I hope that's that's not too disappointing to y'all.

The way that this will work is that I will probably completely get rid of the Spiced Macchiatos tier, which is currently pure support. Right now the tier that gets all 5 mods is Hazelnut Lattes, so this tier will be converted into pure support tier instead. Caramel Frappes and below will stay the same, receiving 2-4 releases a month. That way I'm not increasing prices, just getting rid of the higher priced tiers. I think that's the most fair way to go about this.

Lastly, I wanna touch on fixing my older mods.
I'm waiting for Glamourer to be back and Penumbra to be more stable before I go through my catalogue and see what even needs fixing. Currently the best way of fixing pre-DT gear mods is by running them throught TexTools "upgrade modpack" feature. As far as I can tell, it fixes 99% of gear mods perfectly. There may be a few that will need their colorsets fixed due to changes in the way the blending works now, but again I have no good way to check that rn.

We are yet to see whether Penumbra will have a similar auto-convert feature. If it will, it does make my life a lot easier LOL. In the event that it doesn't however, my plan is:
1) I will prioritise any mods that are currently paid. I'll run them through TT, re-pack them and redo colorsets for any that might need it. Then I'll update the mod pages.
2) I'll do the same for more recently released free mods afterwards, however at a slower pace, as I will still need to be working on new releases at the same time.
3) I will strive to eventually update all of the free mods on my XMA page over time, however this will be extremely low priority. So if there are any that you especially like, and you don't want to wait possibly AGES, I recommend downloading TT and converting them yourself - it's basically a 1 button click fix!
4) I will not be touching the mods on my "old mods dump" Google Drive. But again you're free to do so via TT!

Alright, I think that's everything that I wanted to address.
I'm hoping to see you all soon once releases are resumed! And huge, massive THANK YOU to all those who stayed subbed during my absence, I really appreciate it!!!



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