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Shoplifters Mason and Joey have found themselves in the back room of a mall, forced to put on security uniforms. What could possibly be the reason?



Fun fact: I scheduled this post to go up at "noon tomorrow"...after midnight last night, meaning in reality I'd scheduled it for Sunday. Cut to me at noon today trying to figure out why it wasn't up. This contest prep has turned me into a himbo for real guys


Another amazing aardvarkian rendition. Two sexy bodybuilders for the price of one 😌

Bryan Whiteman

Ok but south asian men are so incredibly beauty, how delightful


“Because I’m a man, and all men should be bodybuilders,” Ray said firmly. “I want to be strong and big and manly, and you should too.” Loved this line. Great story!


Another absolute stunner! Great work, as always, Son!


Incredible work! Loved the culture change and slow reality build up for both characters!!!