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As some of you are already aware (because I didn't realize activating it just auto-added you, whoopsie), there is now an Aardvarkia Discord server for the Bodybuilders and Muscle Daddies!

I hope you all enjoy it. I know very little about Discord at the moment, so bear with me while I learn...





I think you need to connect your Discord to Patreon and then you'll be automatically added. Check the help page here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role If that doesn't work for you, DM me and we'll figure it out!

Davy VO (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-13 19:25:49 (For people who have connected their Discord to Patreon already but the server doesn't appear, try logging out of Discord, disconnect & reconnect your Discord to Patreon and then log in again to Discord, it worked for me)
2022-08-14 08:21:29 (For people who have connected their Discord to Patreon already but the server doesn't appear, try logging out of Discord, disconnect & reconnect your Discord to Patreon and then log in again to Discord, it worked for me)

(For people who have connected their Discord to Patreon already but the server doesn't appear, try logging out of Discord, disconnect & reconnect your Discord to Patreon and then log in again to Discord, it worked for me)