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Here's our reaction to the fourth song from the Name Chapter album of TXT, Tinnitus!

Afro pop in modern K-pop. Damn. Live our lives to see something like this. WE LOVED IT. Hope you did too :)



Musicians react & review ♡ TXT - Tinnitus

Never thought this day would come. AFRO POP IN KPOP?? Man, sign us up. Fourth song on the Name Chapter album from TXT is TINNITUS, and trust me when I say we NEVER expected this. Got one more, I believe, song left from the album, and we're just so thankful for the journey thus far. Loving it, so let's keep it goingggggg. As we say in the video, recently reacted to TXT's lollapalooza concert clip over at our patreon page! If you wish to support us on this journey and get extra contents, head over to https://www.patreon.com/handsomesausages Kpop producers and singer-songwriters react to Tomorrow by Together's Happy Fools (Special Clip)! Enjoy! Sound at http://soundcloud.com/hsausages Follow us on IG: @handsomesausages #txt #tinnitus #tomorrowbytogether Timecode 0:00 Intro 1:32 Reaction 4:15 Initial Thoughts


Mary Berry

This is one of my faves. You just can't sit still listening to it. 😍

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

ugh SO GOOD......they're always SO GOOD, you guys are always SO GOOD, just joy ♡

Yep, I'm Liberty

Not you giving props to Beomgyu, yet covering up his face in the lineup so that y'all look like the 3rd and 4th members of TXT!! (ᗒ ᗨᗕ) But this was a fun reaction. And I definitely agree that their tone on this really made the song. While I don't understand enough (read: any) Korean to really catch what you were talking about with the intonation, I do understand what you mean because a lot of English-speaking artists do it too - a weird rhythm ride that just works! Kind of like a trip where you know where you're going, but random surprises pop up and make you pay attention to take away the familiarity of the car hum.


This song is a Certified Bop, which is a phrase I never thought I’d say about a song about wanting to turn into a rock