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Darn it Ateez is good.

What we especially love about Ateez is that while they remind us of many groups we've listened to before, they're completely different and stand on their own, and therefore, at the end of the day, impossible to truly compare with other groups!

Love their look, the style, the dance, the crazy music, and we can't wait to do more!



Musicians react & review ♡ ATEEZ - Wonderland (MV)

The number one most requested song from the comment section - WONDERLAND. And well, yeh, we see why. Their use of creative percussive sounds, the way they're mixed in, combined with their incredible dance moves, singing abilities, and looks just make them one of our favourite groups to react to!! And THAT'S WHY WE ARE STARTING OUR JOURNEY WITH THEIR DISCOGRAPHY from A to Z (get it?) over at our patreon. We've already done our reaction to a track on their first mini album - the notorious Pirate King! So head over to our patreon page to support our channel and get access to other extra contents at http://patreon.com/handsomesausages Kpop producers and singer-songwriters react to ATEEZ's Wonderland (MV). Enjoy! Sound at http://soundcloud.com/hsausages Follow us on IG: @handsomesausages Timestamp 0:00 - Intro 1:33 - Reaction 5:05 - Initial Thoughts 5:36 - Jongho 5:45 - Brass & Percussion 6:06 - Mixing 6:42 - Sources 7:22 - Hongjoong VS Mingi 7:39 - Kingdom Performance 8:04 - Pirate Theme 8:40 - SHOUTOUT #ateez #wonderland #atiny





Omg please please please watch Kingdom! Their Kingdom stage of this song is SO good!

Yep, I'm Liberty

Another awesome reaction! I resisted the urge to screenshot Han's semi-permanent stank face, so y'all are safe. lol You can disregard my comment above about Block B and KQ, I see that you're already aware of the connection. This song definitely links in to their lore, but it is based in the "other" universe and is from HALATEEZ's perspective. As you go through the songs in order, it will start to make more sense, but unless you're looking for the connections, some can be easy to miss. I've definitely got my seatbelt on for this ride. This is going to be fun!


Yes! Kingdom for both Stray Kids and Ateez! (And their sweet friendships.)


Always laughing at the moment where Wooyoung leaps to his feet to yell out "Bin-ah! Bin-ah!" to Changbin, only for Seonghwa to pull him back down by the back of his shirt and say, with all the smiling exhaustion of a mother trying to get her toddler to behave for a family photo, "He's your senior here."

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

♡ ahhhh so exciting!!!!! My tiny heart is so happy, every single release they have is filled with epicness. I still have yet to find an ateez song I haven't liked. I am soooooo excited for you to be starting this journey considering that I am still new to them myself. I love that you reacted to their debut (pirate king) even if I can't see it (lol) because everything they do is so amazingand needs to be seen by everyone. Just ugh, so excited....THANK YOU!!!! ♡


seeing your reactions made me so happy haha. Even though I have only just woken up, I'm sitting here with a massive smile, so thank you for starting my day off well haha. Ateez is absolutely wonderful, probably my 2nd favourite group at the moment. Seeing them live was the best (yes they are actually this good live, it's insane). Can't wait to see the rest of your reactions to their music!

Sam w

That is the perfect description of that moment


Loving your reactions to ATEEZ and also respecting what they have to offer. 🩷👏🏻


I had to subscribe to be the first to see your reactions to the kingdom performance


Your reactions never fail to be astoundingly relatable, haha. Can't wait to see you do more Ateez!

Handsome Sausages

(you should screenshot it and give it to me, d'some. I'll make good use of it) The lore seems very intricate and complex but we're loving it either way!

Handsome Sausages

We actually feel that a lot - not a single song has disappointed us and man, that is just crazy. Their earlier album seems to be transforming us into an official atiny gosh it's so good. Thank YOU always!


There a 150 page google doc just on their lore. It’s definitely intense 😈


Yes!! Be still my poor lol Atiny heart! I’m here for all the Ateez reactions. I’m so excited for this! Thank you for appreciating them as much as we do! I can’t wait for you to see the Kingdom performance of this. Jongho is vocal king!

Yep, I'm Liberty

Oh, lawd! I'm gonna have to check it out to see what it says. There are some pretty commonly accepted theories, but a lot of folks differ when it comes to order of videos and whether or not to include Kingdom and Universe videos.